Форум - Admin - fetchmail + gmail =...connection failed

Old UID list from pop.gmail.com: <empty> Scratch list of UIDs: <empty> fetchmail : 6.3.18 querying pop.gmail.com (protocol POP3) at Mon Aug 8 10:58:13 2011: ...

Здравствуйте, возникла потребность настройки сбора почты с gmail в Debian, установил/настроил fetchmail: .fetchmailrc

poll pop.gmail.com, proto POP3, port 995 user "акк_на_gmail" there password "pass" is "локальный_пользователь" here, ssl

но при fetchmail -kvv получаю:

Old UID list from pop.gmail.com: Scratch list of UIDs: fetchmail: 6.3.18 querying pop.gmail.com (protocol POP3) at Mon Aug 8 10:58:13 2011: poll started Trying to connect to failed. fetchmail: connection to pop.gmail.com:pop3s [] failed: Connection timed out. fetchmail: Connection errors for this poll: name 0: connection to pop.gmail.com:pop3s [