Review Gmail Lite brings Gmail to your desktop via Pokki | PCWorld

Gmail Lite is an incredibly lightweight Gmail client that takes email out of your browser and brings it to your desktop. It runs on the Pokki platform.

Gmail client Gmail Lite takes email out of your browser and brings it, with a twist, to your desktop. This -based app is incredibly lightweight. Gmail Lite's clean interface makes it easy to use Gmail on your desktop, provided all the Gmail features you need at the moment are supported. The best part of having Gmail on your desktop is the real-time notifications; these come in pop-up banners as well as little tray badges, and ensure no email goes unnoticed. Gmail Lite sits in your Windows tray, and with one click, gives you access to all your emails, including labels, starred and sent emails. You can easily perform various Gmail actions such as assigning labels, starring and unstarring, archiving, and, of course, reading and writing emails. Gmail Lite is almost perfect, but it ...